How to Get My Heating System Ready for the Winter?

When winter arrives, we love the warmth and comfort of our homes. But is your HVAC system ready for this cold winter weather? Preparing your heating system for winter may not be on your agenda. Still, it’s the ideal moment to hire one of our skilled technicians for heat pump service in Miramar, FL.

What Can I do to Get My Heating System Prepared for Winter?

Hire a Professional for Furnace Tune-Up

Your heating system needs to be maintained in the fall. Our heating and air technician can also conduct a home energy efficiency evaluation using infrared and depressurization camera tests. We will let you know where you’re losing the most energy and how you can correct it.

If you’re unsure what to do next when it comes to improving the efficiency of your home, an energy audit of your home is a good starting point.

Chimneys Must Be Inspected

The buildup of creosote in your chimney can cause a fire that could be dangerous to your chimney. Also, look over your fireplace’s chimney flue, screen, and damper for signs of cracks, burned-in holes, and general conditions. Check that your damper is operating and closing smoothly.

Inspect the Furnace's Intake and Exhaust Pipes

If your furnace emits smoke outwards, ensure your exhaust and intake vents have a clearance of 5 feet and are installed correctly by heat pump installation in Miami Gardens, FL. In addition, ensure that your dryer vent isn’t near your intake pipe.

It is tempting to cover furnace PVC pipes. However, the pipes need proper venting and can cause problems with efficiency, CO poisoning, or worse if they’re blocked or altered.

Check the Batteries

If your carbon monoxide alarm, smoke alarm, and thermostats run on batteries. Yet, it’s the perfect time to test and replace them. Although the life of batteries varies in a variety of ways, it’s recommended to replace them every six months.

If you want to test the alarms on your system, press the button down until you hear the alarm sound. Call our heat pump repair in Miramar, FL, if your thermostat has stopped functioning efficiently.

Check or Replace Your Air Filter

Many homeowners are unaware of this easy routine maintenance, yet it’s the most vital step you can take to ensure that your HVAC system is functioning correctly. Some heating systems have an emergency shut-off feature when a clogged air filter is found.

This is because a variety of issues arise from airflow obstructions. You will save time and money by replacing the filter in your furnace, but you’ll aid in cleaning out allergen-causing airborne particles for better air.

You should change the filter once every 90 days and every 30 days if you have pets. A practical method is to mark your date onto the filter using a pencil every time you insert a new filter to be sure you know the time since your last change of filter.

Our team of experts is here to assist you in getting ready for winter. If you require a winter tune-up or a heat pump replacement in Miami Gardens, Air Conditioning ProTech Corp will offer you quality solutions at an affordable cost. Call us at 833-271-3774 to schedule an appointment.